As my mother put it this morning, while frantic on the telephone, “we are below the 100 mark?!? Oh no!”
Can you believe that? In just 99 days I will be a Mrs. – it’s just crazy!
As the day quickly approaches, I’m watching the people around me as they eye me suspiciously. I know they’re just waiting for me to snap into full-on, stressed out, Bridezilla mode – but hear this….it. ain’t. gonna. happen.
I’m serious. I’m one of the most high-strung people I know, but I’m also one of the most “on-it”. Couple that with my being armed with the best wedding planner one could possibly ask for – my mother, and the fact that I typically know exactly what I want, and we’re golden!
In the last few weeks, we’ve accomplished a ton!
- We’ve booked our honeymoon!!! Two weeks in Hawaii on Oahu, The Big Island, and Maui!
- We’ve finalized the cake design
- We’ve reserved all of our transportation for the day
- We got my wedding band sized (gorgeous)
- We bought ODH’s wedding band (so handsome)
- We settled on the centerpieces, bridesmaids’ bouquets, and my bouquet (all stunning)
- I had my hair and make-up trials (and loved them!)
- ODH picked out the tuxes
- We ordered invitations
- We’ve started writing and creating all the little pieces that will go in the program and out-of-town boxes
- I ordered several pairs of shoes to try with my dress
- And my first dress fitting is in 2 weeks!
In addition to all the detailed prep, ODH and I have become little gym rats! He’s started with his personal trainer again, I’m addicted to the treadmill and have somehow gotten into the habit of dragging my tush over early in the morning before work several times a week. In fact, today is Friday, and we’re planning on going tonight again! It feels great to be back on that track and hopefully (fingers crossed) it will pay off over the next 99 Days.
All in all, I’ve never been more excited about anything in my life (and that’s saying something if you know me – the girl who wears her emotions on her sleeve and speaks in perpetual hyperbole). I can’t begin to imagine what it will feel like even closer to the day, but what I do know is, while I can’t wait, I’m trying my hardest to really savor this time and soak up every moment because it’s an incredibly emotional and unique experience. Thanks for coming along for the ride – and I’ll try to keep you all updated on a more frequent basis!