Friday, November 27, 2009

Give Thanks

In truth, I should have posted this on Wednesday or yesterday, but given the holiday, my attention, of course, was turned towards my family.

I hope you all had an incredible holiday….I know I did.

Thanksgiving at our house is usually a grand and bustling affair, and while this year was a good bit smaller, for one reason or another, it was no less wonderful. I was blessed with the opportunity to share a few words with my family before bowing our heads in prayer to give thanks and ask for the Lord to bless our gathering. Today, I’d like to share those words with you…

“I always say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday – for several reasons, not the least of which is the incredible meal that we are about to eat, but even more importantly, it is my favorite because it is one of, if not the only holiday that has not become perverted by ‘stuff’. It is a day carved out for us to simply acknowledge and give thanks for the incredible blessings in our lives, without being clouded by the giving of ‘things’. In many ways, it serves as the model for how we are to live each day – thanking God for what He has given us. In that vein, I’d like to share with you an excerpt from my Proverbs 31 Ministries Daily Devotional:

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

In my (part-time) job as a university teacher, I'm frequently reading research. I know … it sounds as dry as an over-cooked turkey. Sometimes it is but often I find interesting stuff in that scientific prose. For example, I read about a study that showed just how great it is to be grateful.

The researchers found that grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions, more satisfaction with life, and more vitality and optimism. All good qualities I want more of in my life. They also found grateful people show lower levels of depression and stress - two things I'd like to experience less in my life.

What's more, they found that people who write weekly in a journal about things they are thankful for are healthier. They exercise more regularly, report fewer physical symptoms, and feel better in general than people who journal about neutral or negative life events. That sounds great, and I'll take all the help I can get in the exercise department.

Finally, the research showed that people who daily count their blessings report higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, and energy. Wow, the benefits of being grateful are remarkable and many! I guess that shouldn't surprise me after considering today's key verse. The Bible urges us to give thanks … all the time … in every situation … because this practice is the will of God.

Let me be clear, there are terrible things that happen to us that may not be the will of God, but us praising God and giving thanks in spite of them certainly is the will of God.

As Christians, we can always find reason to give thanks – thanks for the salvation of Christ, the nearness of God, and the counsel of His Spirit for starters. The psalmist declared, "I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High" (Psalm 7:17, NIV). We can do that too.

Christian poet John Milton once wrote about every grey cloud having a silver lining. Purposing to give thanks, no matter the weather, will train us to look for it. Continuing in this manner day after day ensures that gratefulness will become a normal mode of operation.

No wonder those researchers found that people regularly counting their blessings grow happier, healthier, and more optimistic. After all, that research wasn't discovering anything new, but rather confirming the will and wisdom of God. God already knows how great it is for us to be grateful. Now "science" does too.

What can you give thanks for today?

Dear Lord, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your Son and Your Spirit, given to me. Thank You for the provision of shelter and food I have today. And Lord, thank You for this reminder to become more mindful of my blessings. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

So I hope each of you had an opportunity yesterday to truly reflect on the innumerable blessings in your life and lift up your thanks to the Maker. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, wherever you might be spending it, and try each day going forward, to remember those blessings and continue to be grateful….

God bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Louisville Sugger of a Weekend

Happy Friday All!
Another week has come to an end... and, true to form, the ManBoy and I are, once again, headed out of town...

This weekend we'll be down in Louisville, Kentucky with my brother and sister-in-law! So fun!

Given the distance, we rarely get to spend much time together apart from a holiday here or a family event there, so this weekend is a special treat for all 4 of us!

They’ll be giving us the grand tour of their fair city in the heart of the Bluegrass State which will include a trip to the Louisville Slugger Museum, and perhaps some Kentucky Bourbon (yuck)!

All in all, a wonderful way to spend a pre-Thanksgiving weekend!


Just look around...

“Try and put your arms around the 100 year old tree
Climb up on a horse and let it run full speed
Take a look out at the world from 30,000 feet on your next flight
Watch a flock of birds against the morning sun
Close your eyes and listen to the river run
Catch a firefly in your hand or a raindrop on your tongue
That's right There is a God - How much proof do you need?
Plant a seed and see what comes out of the ground
Find the heartbeat on your baby's ultrasound
In a few years hear it laughing, and don't it sound like a song?
Stop and think about what you don't understand
Things like life and love and how the world began
Hear the doctor say he can't explain it, but the cancer is gone
There is a God - How much proof do you need?
Science says it's all just circumstance
Like this whole worlds just an accident
But if you want to shoot that theory down, look around
Just look around “

I recently made a promise to myself and to God, that the development of my faith and my walk with Him would be the central focus of my life.

I’ve taken to speaking my prayers aloud on my morning drive. I’ve chosen to pray instead of honking at people on the highway. And, I’ve taken refuge in the music of believers when I want to cry out in frustration.

I’ve been blessed with opportunities lately to share freely and unapologetically the Good News of Christ and I’ve endeavored to point to God in the way I live and love.

In light of this effort, today I’d like to share with you two songs that have spoken intimately to me…
Lee Ann Womack’s “There is a God” and Nichole Nordeman’s “I Am” – have a listen…

Friday, November 6, 2009


All I can say is...

Complete and Utter Chicken Fail.

Between my oven not being powerful enough to cook it through and my accidentally cooking it upside down, I was brought to tears (we're talking full on sobs here) Wednesday night as my attempt at roasting a chicken (whom we now fondly refer to as Herbert) proved disastrous.

The night ended with 11:30PM pizza from down the block and of course the 27th World Championship Win from my boys in pinstripes....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Chicken Dinner...with a penguin.

Happy November All!

My favorite season continues to roll along and the consumer culture-driven, unnecessarily pre-mature Holiday ads are starting to pop up on television (and in my Inbox – leave me alone, Abercrombie, I haven’t worn you since middle school!).

In keeping with that spirit, this week the ManBoy and I will be engaging in two seasonally appropriate activities: (1) Tonight, we will be attempting to roasting a chicken; and (2) Tomorrow, we will be attending a black tie event at the Waldorf (yay for party dresses and sparkly accessories!).

Now, not to toot my own horn here, but over the last year or so, I have become rather handy in the kitchen {Note: This fact came as a not-so-small surprise to my once college roommates, who recently shared with the ManBoy that I was the suitemate who repeatedly opted for take-out when faced with dinner decisions in our off-campus apartment…oops}.

The ManBoy, having been raised by a renowned published chef and a member of Les Dames d' Escoffier, was, needless to say, an intimidating guest to have at my table, in the early days of our relationship. Looking back, I credit my culinary development with the challenge that feeding him poses. Since then, I’ve certainly adopted a sense of adventurousness in the kitchen (not that roasting a chicken is, by any means, adventuresome, I’m just sayin…).

So, this evening, he and I will team up to try our hand at roasting a chicken (consider it the first step in what I fear will be a long and disappointing journey towards one day hosting Thanksgiving at my house and not screwing up the turkey). I’ll be sure to report back with details on our inevitable failure success.

In other news, with birds on the brain, I have been graced with the cordial invitation to attend the American Irish Historical Society Annual Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria tomorrow evening with the ManBoy. I’m looking forward to attending our first festive event of the season, penguin suit clad ManBoy in tow. {Ladies, let me tell you, the boy can rock a tux like James Bond himself…I kid you not…lucky lady I be! I’ll be trying to keep up with his devastating good looks in a strapless gold brocade Shoshanna dress – not too shabby}. Of course, ever the girly-girl, I cannot wait for our elegant evening out!

Pictures to come!