My favorite season continues to roll along and the consumer culture-driven, unnecessarily pre-mature Holiday ads are starting to pop up on television (and in my Inbox – leave me alone, Abercrombie, I haven’t worn you since middle school!).
In keeping with that spirit, this week the ManBoy and I will be engaging in two seasonally appropriate activities: (1) Tonight, we will be
Now, not to toot my own horn here, but over the last year or so, I have become rather handy in the kitchen {Note: This fact came as a not-so-small surprise to my once college roommates, who recently shared with the ManBoy that I was the suitemate who repeatedly opted for take-out when faced with dinner decisions in our off-campus apartment…oops}.
The ManBoy, having been raised by a renowned published chef and a member of Les Dames d' Escoffier, was, needless to say, an intimidating guest to have at my table, in the early days of our relationship. Looking back, I credit my culinary development with the challenge that feeding him poses. Since then, I’ve certainly adopted a sense of adventurousness in the kitchen (not that roasting a chicken is, by any means, adventuresome, I’m just sayin…).
So, this evening, he and I will team up to try our hand at roasting a chicken (consider it the first step in what I fear will be a long and disappointing journey towards one day hosting Thanksgiving at my house and not screwing up the turkey). I’ll be sure to report back with details on our
In other news, with birds on the brain, I have been graced with the cordial invitation to attend the American Irish Historical Society Annual Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria tomorrow evening with the ManBoy. I’m looking forward to attending our first festive event of the season, penguin suit clad ManBoy in tow. {Ladies, let me tell you, the boy can rock a tux like James Bond himself…I kid you not…lucky lady I be! I’ll be trying to keep up with his devastating good looks in a strapless gold brocade Shoshanna dress – not too shabby}. Of course, ever the girly-girl, I cannot wait for our elegant evening out!
Pictures to come!
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