Monday, December 21, 2009

Set in Stone: We're Engaged!

It is official. The ManBoy (who henceforth will be referred to as One-Day-Hubs ("ODH") proposed at 6:28PM on Friday, December 18, 2009 in the middle of Grand Central Terminal in New York City.... and I (of course) said yes!

Behind the Scenes:
While spending Thanksgiving Weekend in NJ with my family, ODH took the opportunity to speak with my father and ask for his blessing in asking me to marry him. The two of them spoke briefly while waiting for the start of "The Blind Side" at the Preakness Movie Theater in Wayne, NJ. (Looks like the conversation went over pretty well). From that day on, they were all in Top Secret Planning Mode. With the help of my sister-in-law’s parents (they’re in the jewelry business), ODH was able to carefully (and secretly) select the perfect ring (and let me just say, he did a darn good job! It is gorgeous! See above!)

Setting the Stage:
On Friday, ODH and I were scheduled to meet with the events coordinator at Cipriani 42nd St. to see the space as a possible reception venue at 7:00PM. He asked me to meet him in Grand Central near the clock at 6:15. Knowing that Friday is a dress-down day at my office, ODH suggested I dress up for our meeting, so that we wouldn't look out of place at Cipriani. Suspiciously, I agreed.

At 6:12PM (yes, for the first time in my life I was early), I walked into the terminal. As I headed for the clock, I looked at the grand and beautiful setting around me, thinking to myself, how romantic and truly "so New York" this landmark is. To my right, was a Tiffany's advertisement of a diamond ring. Immediately my thoughts ran to how perfectly romantic this setting would be for an engagement. Almost as soon as the thought entered my mind though, I had to push it out, as I'd been told several times not to expect any kind of official proposal before the New Year.

The Proposal:
After waiting impatiently for over 10 minutes and texting and calling ODH twice, my phone rang.... ODH: "Where are you" Me: "By the clock, where are you" ODH: "I'm by the clock, I don't see you" Me: "Ok, stay where you are, I see you".
Amidst the rush hour madness, I found him waiting for me. I suggested we grab a cup of coffee before heading over to the venue and then proceeded to ask for a piece of gum. ODH (chewing gum): "I don't have any gum."

All of a sudden, between searching for that piece of gum and being easily distracted by the hustle and bustle of the crowd around me, I saw the flash of a red box in his hand as he knelt to the ground on one knee. I was beside myself, it all seemed to happen so quickly, and yet I have the clearest image in my mind of the moment. ODH: "Jaclyn McLean, will you marry me.... (long pause) please?" Of course, I said yes and then asked if I got to keep the beautiful ring in front of me.

It truly felt like something out of a movie (in fact, we're pretty sure it is in a movie somewhere). The people around us stopped to watch, applaud, and congratulate us as we began the round of phone calls to announce the good news.

We've been celebrating ever since. I must admit, I'm still amazed when I look down at my hand and remember that this is real. It's a dream come true for both of us, we couldn't be happier.

The months ahead will be filled with fun and planning and great joy and we are so thrilled to be sharing it all with loving family and friends.

Over the holidays, we'll be spending time up in Boston with his family and out in Colorado with mine, and we'll be soaking up every minute of it. What a way to ring in 2010 (pun intended)!

Amidst the excitement of the evening's events, and fielding all of the beautiful messages of congratulations we received, we also had the opportunity to spend some quiet time with each other and with God. We took the time to thank Him for bringing us to this place in our lives as individuals, and for bringing us to each other. We are blessed to see the work that He is doing in us, and pray that He continues to put His hand on this relationship as we seek to place Him at the very center of our marriage.

So to all of you, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and God Bless!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Reason for this (and every) Season

The message and meaning of this post radically changed in the last few minutes: Primarily intended to serve as a reminder to listen closely to the moving lyrics of this season’s timeless classic carols, I now endeavor to impress upon you how far we’ve strayed from the heart of Christmas, and perhaps convince some of you to focus your attention more clearly on the Lord this year.

Today, as I often do before settling in to write in this very public cyber journal, I “Google Imaged” the word “Christmas” to find a suitable picture to place at the top of this post. Saddened, though not terribly surprised, the search results yielded nearly nothing that had to do with the true meaning of this holiday – the Birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I found sparkly trees and ornaments, packages and bells, and plenty of women scantily clad in outfits which vaguely resemble a “Santa costume”. But Jesus, as He so often is, was few and far between amidst these earthly images. It wasn’t until I searched the term “Christian Christmas” (which is by far the most redundant phrase I’ve ever seen), that I was able to find something truly fitting.

For a few weeks now, I’ve made it the commitment of my heart to be conscious of the words and images that I allow to seep into my head. The Enemy throws so much at us these days that it is often impossible to see past the lies and the clutter to the Truth – especially this time of year.

We all fall prey to it in one way or another, and I’ll be perfectly honest, I love visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center and wrapping gifts with holiday tunes playing in the background. But this year, I feel so much more blessed than in years past. Notwithstanding the pleasant circumstances of my earthly life, the condition of my heart is what is driving this pure joy. I am blessed that the Lord has called me to focus my eyes on Him in everything I do this Christmas.

I often arrive at work with tear-stained cheeks from listening to music that glorifies His name, while on my morning commute. I awake with a song in my heart that speaks the Truth of this holiday. And each time a carol plays, I am urged to send up my prayers with the utmost thanks that I know the ultimate joy of having a relationship with and celebrating Christ.

We are so incredibly fortunate (and undeserving, I might add), to have been created by a Father who loves us enough to make the ultimate sacrifice, so that we may live with Him in a perfect eternity one day. Though earthly presents quickly lose their luster after the tree comes down and the ribbons thrown away, the heavenly gift of Emmanuel – God with us – is always shining as a beacon of truth. We should be thankful and humbled by His grace.

So this Christmas, I urge you to fix your eyes on Heaven with a grateful heart. Thank God for sending his son to this place to die so that we may know life. And maybe, just maybe, the joy that Christmas morning brings will stay with you each day throughout the year…

Merry Christmas and God Bless You All….

O come, O come, Emmanuel; And ransom captive Israel; That mourns in lonely exile here; Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel, Shall come to thee, O Israel.