After a long and stressful process I can, once again, call New York City home.
This joyous occasion has been a long time coming and I couldn’t be happier about its arrival.
Last night, I spent my first night in my new home in Manhattan! Though preceded by a grueling day of lugging furniture (not me of course, we hire people to do that where I come from, and then there's the ManBoy), unpacking boxes, bags, suitcases and crates, organizing my closet, and adorning the stark white walls with all of my adorably shabby chic wall hangings (again, not me, that’s Mom’s job – the woman has a keen eye for décor and is a genius with a hammer and nail), I’m finally in and it was well worth the hard work (for me at least, not sure if the aforementioned others would agree).
However, though I do believe that all’s well that ends well, the days leading up to the ceremonious return to the old stomping grounds was, shall we say, a little less than uneventful.
For starters, as a shopaholic, borderline materialistic, pack-rat, it’s safe to say that I have more than my fair share of “stuff”. {These are the moments that cause one to take pause, reflect, and adjust, one’s spending habits – even if only in the short term}. It quickly became apparent, that moving from a 1050 square foot 1 bedroom with 1.5 bathrooms apartment in the Burbs to a quaint converted 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in the City would encounter a few obstacles.
It took 4 days, the weekend and a personal day from work to pack up my life and move its contents to New York.
However, after having already taken multiple trips to-and-from Connecticut, we arrived on Saturday to find the elevator in my Greenwich building OUT OF SERVICE. {Cue irrational temper tantrum thrown at the expense of the Super}. Me (and ManBoy) = NOT happy.
We spent the next 6 hours loading the car via the stairwell, driving 35 minutes to unload at the new place, and returning to Connecticut to repeat the process (only to then drive to New Jersey to unload the excess into my parents’ house). Phew.
Somewhere amidst the frenzy however, it occurred to me that the deal upon which we settled with the movers was one that included an elevator at both buildings. Such was no longer so as the elevator was not scheduled to be fixed until Tuesday. Not acceptable considering the additional $500 it was going to cost me to have the men carry all the pieces down the stairs. EEEEEK! {Bye bye new pair of Christian Louboutin’s I’ve been drooling over for months}.
Luckily, I have my own personal Superhero to step in and take control in just these sorts of circumstances. The ManBoy, on Sunday, got on the phone with one of the moving companies we’d previously written off and beseeched them to fit me into their schedule the following morning. E voilà! Old movers cancelled, new movers booked! (Perhaps we just won’t tell them about the elevator mishap).
Arrive Monday morning. I spend the last few frenzied minutes tossing out stray debris and tossing a few odds and ends into my car. Then I waited….
Unfortunately, though scheduled for a 10:00am pick up the truck did not pull up until 12:05pm. {Hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?}. Meanwhile, the technician had arrived early to fix the defunct elevator and it was once again up and running prior to their arrival. Crisis averted! 4 hours (and $671) later I was standing in my freshly furnished Manhattan digs with a lot of unpacking to do.
Nevertheless, the end product is fantastic! Now all that’s left is to stock the fridge, and plan the housewarming party! {Deets to follow}. Oh right, and of course The Roomie moves her “stuff” in on Wednesday!
This joyous occasion has been a long time coming and I couldn’t be happier about its arrival.
Last night, I spent my first night in my new home in Manhattan! Though preceded by a grueling day of lugging furniture (not me of course, we hire people to do that where I come from, and then there's the ManBoy), unpacking boxes, bags, suitcases and crates, organizing my closet, and adorning the stark white walls with all of my adorably shabby chic wall hangings (again, not me, that’s Mom’s job – the woman has a keen eye for décor and is a genius with a hammer and nail), I’m finally in and it was well worth the hard work (for me at least, not sure if the aforementioned others would agree).
However, though I do believe that all’s well that ends well, the days leading up to the ceremonious return to the old stomping grounds was, shall we say, a little less than uneventful.
For starters, as a shopaholic, borderline materialistic, pack-rat, it’s safe to say that I have more than my fair share of “stuff”. {These are the moments that cause one to take pause, reflect, and adjust, one’s spending habits – even if only in the short term}. It quickly became apparent, that moving from a 1050 square foot 1 bedroom with 1.5 bathrooms apartment in the Burbs to a quaint converted 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in the City would encounter a few obstacles.
It took 4 days, the weekend and a personal day from work to pack up my life and move its contents to New York.
However, after having already taken multiple trips to-and-from Connecticut, we arrived on Saturday to find the elevator in my Greenwich building OUT OF SERVICE. {Cue irrational temper tantrum thrown at the expense of the Super}. Me (and ManBoy) = NOT happy.
We spent the next 6 hours loading the car via the stairwell, driving 35 minutes to unload at the new place, and returning to Connecticut to repeat the process (only to then drive to New Jersey to unload the excess into my parents’ house). Phew.
Somewhere amidst the frenzy however, it occurred to me that the deal upon which we settled with the movers was one that included an elevator at both buildings. Such was no longer so as the elevator was not scheduled to be fixed until Tuesday. Not acceptable considering the additional $500 it was going to cost me to have the men carry all the pieces down the stairs. EEEEEK! {Bye bye new pair of Christian Louboutin’s I’ve been drooling over for months}.
Luckily, I have my own personal Superhero to step in and take control in just these sorts of circumstances. The ManBoy, on Sunday, got on the phone with one of the moving companies we’d previously written off and beseeched them to fit me into their schedule the following morning. E voilà! Old movers cancelled, new movers booked! (Perhaps we just won’t tell them about the elevator mishap).
Arrive Monday morning. I spend the last few frenzied minutes tossing out stray debris and tossing a few odds and ends into my car. Then I waited….
Unfortunately, though scheduled for a 10:00am pick up the truck did not pull up until 12:05pm. {Hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?}. Meanwhile, the technician had arrived early to fix the defunct elevator and it was once again up and running prior to their arrival. Crisis averted! 4 hours (and $671) later I was standing in my freshly furnished Manhattan digs with a lot of unpacking to do.
Nevertheless, the end product is fantastic! Now all that’s left is to stock the fridge, and plan the housewarming party! {Deets to follow}. Oh right, and of course The Roomie moves her “stuff” in on Wednesday!
Welcome Home!
As you said, all's well that ends well! Very excited for you! Would love to see pics of the new place once you get settled.