This evening, the ManBoy and I ship up to Boston for the weekend. It’s his 5 year high school reunion (for which he’s the Chairman of the Young Alumni Annual Giving Committee) and I’ve been invited to accompany him to a number of festivities! {Yayyyy!}
{Multiple cute outfits packed – check!}
To date, I’ve only been up to visit his hometown twice. That said, since we started dating, he’s only been up there an equal number of times. The last time we were in Mass. was Christmas, so this trip is long overdue (especially since we visit my hometown and my parents practically every weekend). {30 minutes over the GW Bridge sure is a hell-of-a lot easier than a 4 and a half hour drive}. Nevertheless, the few times I have visited, I’ve absolutely loved it, and I’m sure this trip will be no exception!
Now, I know that as a general rule, girlfriends rarely mean it when they say, “I love his family”, but truth be told, I really do! {I am certain the ManBoy’s brother-in-law will insist that I’ve just branded myself a brown noser to the entire blogosphere, but I stand by my words nonetheless – Thvvvv! (That’s me sticking my tongue out at you)}.
Let’s get real though; families are tough entities to navigate. I come from a large, loud, opinionated, and extremely close family (for which I provide both comic relief and a steadfast dedication to my role as the black sheep). We’ve got it all in my house: Hot –headed Italians, verbose intellectuals, silent (and not-so-silent) judgers, a few stuck-in-their-ways grandparents, and a whole slew of Republicans (of which I am one) all living in relatively close proximity to one another (excluding, of course, the environmentalist uncle who moved to Bondi Beach, Australia 23 years ago, and my brother and sister-in-law who set up shop in Kentucky – don’t ask, I don’t know why people leave the Tri-State Area either). In other words, there’s never a dull moment.
I think though, that my colorful background is precisely the reason why I adore, so deeply, the ManBoy’s family. They’re just like us (if you replace Australia with Russia and the environmentalist uncle with the ManBoy’s sister…and I’m pretty sure they don’t allow Massachusetts Democrats in Kentucky, so scratch that part too)!
Admittedly though, while there are a million reasons why I love visiting his family and his hometown, there’s one that tops the list…
CHAMPIONS PUB in Peabody, MA (pronounced, on the North Shore, “Peebudie”, as opposed to everywhere else in the English-speaking world where it would be “Pea-body”).
Champions is a diamond in the rough – a gem amongst the rubble of sports bars. And, it just so happens (get this) that the ManBoy’s uncle OWNS IT!
For those of you familiar with the splendor of this seemingly innocuous watering hole, you are well aware that the #1 best thing to do at Champions is gorge yourself on Steak Tips. They are, hands down, amazing! I don’t know what they do back there with the marinade and what not (and I’m not meant to as it’s a very well-guarded secret) but, whatever it is, it’s damn good!
{In fact, I suggest you all get up from your desks, walk out of your offices, find your way to Peebudie, and enjoy the feast of a lifetime, IMMEDIATELY (if not sooner) because you’re missing out!}
So expect that, upon my return from our trip up to the Commonwealth, I will be (more than) a few pounds heavier, and a whole lot happier having satisfied my craving for the glorious meaty goodness that is a plate of Steak Tips at Champions!
Sounds awesome, have fun!