Friday, May 10, 2013

It Changes in a Heartbeat

On April 11th we went for our second doctor's appointment! They drew some blood, did an internal exam, and then we got to hear our sweet Little One’s heartbeat on the Doppler! How amazing!?!? At first you hear some static as the Doppler meets your belly, and all of a sudden, the nurse says, there it is…and you hear wob wob wob wob wob wob. It’s incredible! You want to shout and squeal and cry and celebrate at the same time. It’s amazing! Baby B's heartbeat registered at 160 BPMs this time!

Hubs and I had the best time in the exam room just giggling and trying to bask in the miracle of this experience.

On our way out, we made our next appointment for 5 weeks later. I will be just over 18 weeks along on May 17th (the day before Hubs' birthday) and we’ll go in for our full ultrasound. What does that mean? We’ll get to see if our Little Lovebug is a boy or a girl! I. CANNOT. WAIT. Eeek! What a fun birthday present for Hubs!

As soon as I returned to the office, I promptly posted the little announcement I’d created a few weeks back to proclaim to Social Media Land that we are expecting. I was so excited to hit post and within moments, the “likes” and comments started flooding in.

I was so happy to finally enter my second trimester and feel more comfortable sharing with the world our great news. Not to mention the fact that the early pregnancy symptoms calmed down quite a bit. I started to pop out a little bit and even purchased my first real maternity clothes!

One Saturday, after having sat at work in agony with my jeans unbuttoned, my sweet husband offered to take me shopping! Typically, this shopping trip is one you would take with your mother, but since I live in Tennessee and she is in New Jersey, Hubs had to take one for the team. And he did a great job!

We got two pairs of jeans, a pretty sundress, several adorable tops, some “jeggings” and a pair of black dress pants to get me started. It’s amazing how much more comfortable they are, even when you just first start to show signs of a baby bump.

Several weeks later, as my body continued to change, my parents did eventually come to visit and I finally got to take a shopping trip with mom! We bought some adorable dresses and even took the whole group to start the baby registry at Buy Buy Baby! How much fun was that?!

It was hilarious to see Hubs wandering around with the scanner gun eagerly selecting our Baby's future belongings!

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