Now, you might say, "May? What is so great about May? It's warmer, yes, but it's not quite summer; May is the 20th birthday of months, you've reached your 20s, but you can't drink!" I'll admit, I have only just recently begun this love affair with May, but I beseech you, hear me out (unless, of course you're in college and are studying for finals, I feel for you, unless, of course, you are a senior and are anxiously awaiting graduation, I congratulate you).
My calendar for May is rapidly filling up, and each event is more exciting than the last.
The first weekend in May, my dear friend, Amanda, has a new boy coming to visit (check out her blog to hear all the juicy details and follow her never-a-dull-moment quest for love). They haven't technically met yet, but, as her closest (and judgiest) friend, I have been elected to perform the first round of, shall we say, "grilling". (Bust out the barbecue girls, this boy's gonna roast...I know all you foodies out there are thinking, "that makes absolutely no sense, she must not cook", but I wanted to keep the metaphor going, so cut me some slack...and I do cook! So ha!). We're going on a double date to a LES (for you non-Manhattanites, that's Lower East Side) favorite, The Stanton Social. I'll keep you posted.
Then, on Monday, May 4th, I will be with the ManBoy at the new Yankee Stadium, watching the Yankees (hopefully by then they've gotten their act together) beat (*fingers crossed*) the (evil) Red Sox. {Insert Explanation Here: the ManBoy, having grown up on the North Shore of Boston, is a fierce Red Sox fan (a characteristic, I swore, long ago, was a deal breaker when it came to relationships...so much for that) and I, a native to the Tri-State Area (don't argue with me, there's only one), am a die hard Yankee fan. You do the math...}
Moving right along....
That Wednesday I have a cocktail reception/networking event to attend at a gallery. And on Friday, a rooftop cocktail party for the Fordham President's Club (I'm ManBoy's smart, witty, socially adept, very fashionable date...if I do say so myself).
The following day, Saturday, I am embarking on one of the most important shopping trips of my life...No, there's not a Christian Louboutin sample sale, I am searching for my new apartment! (Which, I recently decided, will be shared with one of my oldest childhood friends, Carly...a great move, both socially and financially...yay! Stay tuned for House Warming Party details!)
Of course, Sunday the 10th is Mother's Day - gotta love Mother's Day. I have a great mom and frankly, the woman deserves a day when no one is asking her to fix anything, plan anything, cook anything, and everyone is just soaking up her awesomeness (well, she deserves more than one but they only made one a holiday).
Then....(cue music: dun dun dun!)
The following weekend is ManBoy's Birthday Weekend! (His actual birthday is the 18th, he's turning 24, and you should all wish him a happy birthday...from a safe, hands-off distance, of course). Unfortunately, I cannot share details, because, you know, he's a dedicated boyfriend and will absolutely read this.
Finally, we come to Memorial Day Weekend - one of the best holidays of the year because it marks the official start of summer. We will be spending the long weekend in Washington, DC to celebrate the graduation of ManBoy's sister, Marisa, from Law School. (The woman is incredible, this will be her 3rd degree from a top university before the age of 30. Badass. The end.)
So find things to look forward to in May. I promise, time really does fly when you're having fun. And, before you know it, it will be summer. You'll be on the beach and you won't even remember how you got there (which probably has less to do with May and more to do with the extra tequila shots you had at the bar the night before, but I won't tell anyone).
When is there going to be a post about the steamy eligible bachelors who live with ManBoy?!