They always say, "it's going to happen when you least expect it - and you'll just know when it's right". The "it" to which they are referring is, of course, finding the love of your life. Well, I am a recently reformed naysayer of just such a glass (of wine) half full philosophy.
I promised, in my first post, to share with you the juicy details of abruptly finding myself in a state of singledom, shortly after moving to the state of Connecticut, and the series of fortunate accidents which followed.
It was mid-July, only a few short weeks after my brother's wedding and the start of my new job (my first since graduating college). I was finding my way around Greenwich, the office, and my new apartment and was caught up in the whirlwind of changes that were taking place in my life, including my then boyfriend moving to Washington, DC for work. Amidst the madness, came a glimmer of excitement. The entire firm, consisting then of only about 20 people, was invited to a night out in Manhattan! It was an opportunity for all of us to get to know each other in a social setting, complete with a rooftop bar and lots of fabulous cocktails - I was so excited!
Before I continue, I should make you aware that for some reason, this former boyfriend of mine had a knack for, let's say, "raining on my parade" when I was excited about something. And, on that sunny July afternoon, it poured.
We were all leaving the office early to head into the city. Towards the end of the day, I received a text message from him insisting that we speak after work. (Apparently, he had allowed the company outing, about which I'd been speaking for days, to slip his mind). Upon reminding him that I was A) busy that evening, and B) unsure of what time I'd be returning home, he said that either way I should call him when I got back because, "we needed to talk" (Cue scary music: dun-dun-dun! Or should I say "done done done!")
Understanding perfectly well what that meant, (As any girl would) I immediately fired back a text, as I was leaving my cubicle to head for the door, that read "Are you breaking up with me?" By the time I reached my car I had my answer. Short and (not-so) sweet. A text message made up of one word...Yes.
{Fast forward to September}
I'd spent the remainder of the summer figuring out how to navigate my new life. I spent time at the beach, with friends, my family, and an occasional boy (nothing serious though). I put a great deal of effort into embracing life as a single girl and committed to remaining as such for at least a year. We didn't speak at all, and save for an IM here or an email there, in an effort on his part to contact me, I'd largely put him out of my thoughts.
For one reason or another, however, I thought it was a good idea to wish him a happy birthday when the day rolled around in mid-September. He was going to be in town for the weekend and we decided to meet up for dinner. I was nervous, but at the end of the day I realized I had no interest in picking things up with him again (even though he did and said so, adamantly). Still, he was able to convince me to fly down to Washington, DC two weeks later.
Now, before you jump down my throat for going, one of my best friends from college lives in DC with her boyfriend, AND our other best friend from college was traveling down there that weekend as well... Escape plan? Check!
So Friday, September 26th arrived. I left work early and headed to LaGuardia Airport - the Marine Terminal, from which the Delta Shuttle departs. While waiting for my flight at the terminal bar, I found myself overhearing a particularly hilarious conversation between a man and a young woman who seemed to be from entirely different planets. She worked at Sotheby's, was decked out in a pencil skirt and heels, and when she said auction house, the flannel shirt wearing man to whom she was speaking thought she meant a pig auction. (Because they do that so frequently in Manhattan, right? I kid you not people, you cannot make this stuff up).
He left, and I immediately jolted to occupy the now vacant seat next to her at the counter. When the bartender asked for my order I said, "I'll just have a glass of the Pinot Grigio". Little did I know, on the other side of the Sotheby's girl, quietly sipping a Tanqueray and tonic, was the blue-eyed boy who would soon become the love of my life.
The three of us struck up a conversation, which continued onto the plane, where we elected to all sit together. The blue-eyed boy, whose name I learned was Tim (and who now is referred to as my ManBoy), had graduated in May from Fordham University. We soon realized we had a few friends in common and a few political beliefs in conflict.
Upon landing in DC, it dawned on me that the ex-boyfriend would be meeting me at the terminal . I knew if I didn't act now, I'd miss my chance. As we rounded the corner approaching the entrance to the main terminal, I saw him waiting for me, at the end of the hallway. I immediately began rummaging through my purse, a sight which I'm certain was pretty humorous, what with my fumbling all over the place to try and find my cell phone amidst the rubble that was my overstuffed tote.
I managed to grab my blackberry and awkwardly insist that the three of us exchange numbers and meet up in the city sometime, just as we reached my ex. He gave me an uncomfortable hug and an even stranger kiss on the forehead. Tim, not knowing what to make of the situation (since throughout the plane conversation I had insisted I was down here visiting "friends"), thought it best to diffuse it by shaking his hand. (An image I will cherish for the rest of my life). After a few more minutes of lingering discomfort, we parted ways and embarked on what for me, was to be a miserable, and eye-opening weekend.
On my final day in DC, my mind made up that there was no way in hell I'd even consider getting back together with my ex, I decided to take the plunge and text the blue-eyed boy.
We made plans to meet up once we were both back in the city and spent the next 10 days texting, g-chatting and talking on the phone.
Since then, we've been inseparable. Despite my initial reservations about entering a new relationship only months after getting out of one, the experience has shown me that fate is about the right thing showing up at the exact moment it's meant to. Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes you just know...
Tim, my blue-eyed ManBoy, you will soon see, will come to play a central role in my blogging experience as he has come to play a central role in my life.
He's the answered prayer I didn't even realize I'd sent up and the most fortunate accident I've had in my life...
Welcome to the bloggy world!! I LOVED this post!! It really gave me a lot of hope because I'm kind of going through this, I just don't talk about it on my blog! But what a neat story, you're awesome! :)