I spent Memorial Day Weekend in Washington, DC with the ManBoy’s family. We were there to celebrate his sister’s graduation from the Washington College of Law at The American University; and having spent last weekend with them in New York it was great to continue the fun in our nation’s capital! However, somewhere amidst the fun – the food, the wine, the sunny weather, and the admission of a number of complete strangers that they read this blog, I completely forgot about the immense amount of work waiting for me upon my return home…
It’s moving week! (AHHHHHH!) and as potentially exciting, no, thrilling as that may be, I can’t quite see the finish line through the cluttered to-do list.
{I think it is appropriate to note here that while I may appear, to the cyber world, a calm, even-tempered soul, in reality, I suffer from an undiagnosed (and thus, un-medicated) case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder coupled with Attention Deficit Disorder. Consequently, excessive disarray in both my emotional life and physical space can lead to mild anxiety attacks. In other words, this is not gonna be a fun week for anyone involved!}
I have an entire apartment to pack up and move into Manhattan in a matter of days and a million logistical things to take care of so that when we show up to our new home we have keys, a new wall built in the living room, cable and Internet set up, and a roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. On top of that, the ManBoy will, in all likelihood, be stuck at the office late every night this week.
Luckily, my parents have graciously offered to help me out and will be arriving at my apartment at 6pm this evening. Hopefully, a few extra hands will make the process move more smoothly (here’s hopin’).
Last night, while the ManBoy provided moral support by checking up on his fantasy baseball stats and watching The West Wing (our favorite show), I successfully boxed up the pots and pans, my winter coats, and all of my purses and tote bags. I also removed wall hangings, photo frames, and books from the shelves. Needless to say, in its current state, my Greenwich apartment looks like a bomb went off.
As a result, this morning, after a mild scare from work and the challenging acceptance of my messy apartment (for the first time in ages I didn’t even make my bed), I arrived at the office with a spasm in my lower back, wearing two different colored shoes – one black shoe, one blue…
Rough start - this does not bode well for the rest of the week.
How am I ever going to make it through?
Wish me luck!