There is so much to fill you all in on (I apologize in advance for the length of this post).
First, let’s back track a bit.
For the last month and a half I have been anxiously awaiting the ManBoy’s birthday, and simultaneously cooking up a fun-filled weekend of surprises for him. His friends and family were involved throughout the process and were incredibly helpful in making the weekend’s events go off without a hitch! {Points to all of you!}
While for him, the fun began on Friday night upon his return home from LA, the rest of us were enjoying ourselves in the days prior, as the ManBoy grew increasingly anxious and irrationally concerned that no one would want to spend time with him on Saturday night. He received word earlier in the week that a few of his high school buddies, whom he rarely sees, would be in town for the weekend. Needless to say, he was thrilled; and yet almost immediately conflicted about with whom he would spend his birthday celebration – his college friends or the high school guys.
Unbeknownst to him, plans had been set in motion weeks in advance that would kill a dozen birds with one stone: A Surprise Party to which all of his friends (college and high school alike) were invited.
In addition, reservations had been made for a dinner to take place at Churrascaria Plataforma prior to the party. His parents were in town and would be joining us, along with my mom, my dad, and my sister (who is not-so-secretly in love with the ManBoy and whom I’ll be keeping a very close eye on…yeah, she’s 15.) While he knew about the dinner, he didn’t know that two very special (and sneaky) guests would also be attending. His sister and brother-in-law decided to drive up from Washington, DC to surprise him and spend the weekend with us!
In other words, I heart surprises and the weekend was chock full of ‘em.
{Are we all up to speed? OK. Good.}
Fast forward to Friday night:
In true perfect girlfriend fashion, I arrived at JFK minutes before his plane landed with a “birthday boy” sign in hand. We went out that night with his high school friends who, somehow, despite having (more than) one too many, never let it slip that they’d be at the surprise party the following evening.
We spent Saturday running errands, picking out birthday cake, (signing my lease on my new apartment wooohooo), and primping ourselves for dinner that evening.
{Actually, I’m pretty sure I was the only one primping, but the ManBoy looked damn good that night so I’d venture a guess that he checked himself out in the bathroom mirror a few times too}.
We arrived at his parents’ hotel at 5 minutes to 6:00pm and proceeded to battle the midtown traffic en route to the restaurant.
We arrived at his parents’ hotel at 5 minutes to 6:00pm and proceeded to battle the midtown traffic en route to the restaurant.
{Huddled in the backseat of the cab I was sneakily fielding text messages from his sister as well as his various groups of friends}.
At the restaurant, his sister and brother-in-law managed to slink over to our table unnoticed and hid until we headed over. As expected, he couldn’t have been happier about they’re having come to visit!
Dinner was fantastic – complete with tasty drinks, great food, yummy cake, excellent company, and a few very touching toasts to the guest of honor! {One of which was given by my father, who, you know have you been reading, gives quite a speech. It was incredible to hear him speak so thoughtfully and sincerely about the man I love – an awesome moment!}.
After dinner his friends had their chance to show their true colors. All the while keeping me updated on their movements, together we convinced the ManBoy to venture “all the way downtown” to M1-5 to meet up with one of his roommates and his “work colleagues”. The ManBoy, who is rarely below 14st, was less than thrilled that we were trekking all the way there to hang with people who weren’t even his friends, but he went nonetheless.
Upon arriving at 52 Walker Street, we walked through two giant metal doors into what looked like an old warehouse. You could feel the bass of the music in your heartbeat and the blaring red backlights were disorienting at first. We met up with his roommate who escorted us to the back lounge where…
All of his friends were waiting, drinks in hand, ready for some fun!
The rest of the night was a blast. All of his closest friends had made it out, his parents stopped by for a while, and of course his sister and brother-in-law were there as well. Even a few of my girlfriends came and had a great time mingling with everyone. He was thrilled and nothing could have made me happier than seeing him smile.
Sunday, as I’m sure you can imagine, was, in large part, spent recovering and spending time with his mom and dad. We went to the Met, picnicked on the roof of his apartment, and smoked Cohibas.
All this fun and it wasn’t even his actual birthday yet.
Monday morning. The ManBoy made the executive decision to call in a much deserved sick day and enjoy his birthday resting. I went to work for a few hours before meeting up with him to head into the city for dinner.
We ate at The Capital Grille, his family’s all-time favorite restaurant. Their longstanding relationship with The Capital Grille certainly paid off as the staff worked very hard to make his birthday a special experience for us. The table was decorated with colorful Happy Birthday confetti, he was given a birthday card from the restaurant, and they treated us to complimentary desserts and champagne (they also took a picture which I'll be sure to post).
Of course, though, the highlight of the night was my gift to him.
Creatively preceded by bottles of Jameson, Bailey’s and Guinness, I handed the ManBoy a large envelope containing a two page letter and a trip itinerary…
The itinerary listed the following details:
Booked Items:
Trip: New York – Dublin
Wed 26-Aug-09
New York (JFK)Depart 7:25 pm Terminal 3
Dublin (DUB)Arrive 7:50 am
Flight Operated by: Delta
Dinner was fantastic – complete with tasty drinks, great food, yummy cake, excellent company, and a few very touching toasts to the guest of honor! {One of which was given by my father, who, you know have you been reading, gives quite a speech. It was incredible to hear him speak so thoughtfully and sincerely about the man I love – an awesome moment!}.
After dinner his friends had their chance to show their true colors. All the while keeping me updated on their movements, together we convinced the ManBoy to venture “all the way downtown” to M1-5 to meet up with one of his roommates and his “work colleagues”. The ManBoy, who is rarely below 14st, was less than thrilled that we were trekking all the way there to hang with people who weren’t even his friends, but he went nonetheless.
Upon arriving at 52 Walker Street, we walked through two giant metal doors into what looked like an old warehouse. You could feel the bass of the music in your heartbeat and the blaring red backlights were disorienting at first. We met up with his roommate who escorted us to the back lounge where…
All of his friends were waiting, drinks in hand, ready for some fun!
The rest of the night was a blast. All of his closest friends had made it out, his parents stopped by for a while, and of course his sister and brother-in-law were there as well. Even a few of my girlfriends came and had a great time mingling with everyone. He was thrilled and nothing could have made me happier than seeing him smile.
Sunday, as I’m sure you can imagine, was, in large part, spent recovering and spending time with his mom and dad. We went to the Met, picnicked on the roof of his apartment, and smoked Cohibas.
All this fun and it wasn’t even his actual birthday yet.
Monday morning. The ManBoy made the executive decision to call in a much deserved sick day and enjoy his birthday resting. I went to work for a few hours before meeting up with him to head into the city for dinner.
We ate at The Capital Grille, his family’s all-time favorite restaurant. Their longstanding relationship with The Capital Grille certainly paid off as the staff worked very hard to make his birthday a special experience for us. The table was decorated with colorful Happy Birthday confetti, he was given a birthday card from the restaurant, and they treated us to complimentary desserts and champagne (they also took a picture which I'll be sure to post).
Of course, though, the highlight of the night was my gift to him.
Creatively preceded by bottles of Jameson, Bailey’s and Guinness, I handed the ManBoy a large envelope containing a two page letter and a trip itinerary…
The itinerary listed the following details:
Booked Items:
Trip: New York – Dublin
Wed 26-Aug-09
New York (JFK)Depart 7:25 pm Terminal 3
Dublin (DUB)Arrive 7:50 am
Flight Operated by: Delta
Tue 1-Sep-09
Dublin (DUB)Depart 9:35 am
New York (JFK)Arrive 11:55 am Terminal 3
Flight Operated by: Delta
Hotel Summary:
Thu Aug-27-2009 (5 nights)
The Royal Marine Hotel
Marine Road Dun Laoghaire Dublin, Ireland
Check in: Thu Aug-27-2009 Check out: Tue Sep-1-2009
In case that’s too much information for you, I can spell it out – I’m taking him to Ireland!
Ireland, home to his ancestors, is the ManBoy’s favorite place in the world. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t speak about his experiences and memories from time spent on the Emerald Isle. I want desperately to witness the beauty of that place through his (Irish) eyes.
He was, needless to say, thrilled (and not a little bit shocked) by the gift.
His friends across the pond have been notified and are anxiously awaiting our arrival. We leave August 26th and while I’m certain it goes without saying, we are so excited!
What an awesome birthday weekend! And present! Please take lots of pictures when you go.