Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3: 5-6

"In God We Trust"
"America, America, God shed his grace on thee"
“One nation, under God”
"And may God bless the Unites States of America!"
We are a nation of greatness – of prosperity, of freedom, and of opportunity for all. Yet, while priding ourselves on our “moral standing” in the world, we have spent years pushing God out of our lives and our laws. We unaffectedly pass by the words “In God We Trust” etched in stone, and yet continuously ask for his blessing on our country, even if only for the sake of rhetoric.
It is a disheartening truth that we have strayed far from the vision and ideals upon which this nation was founded. In that time, while we have achieved great things, we have also, far too often, been excessively prideful and irreverent to the higher power who has graciously blessed us with the chance to live in a place where boundless opportunities are available for all who seek them and where freedom is so fervently celebrated and defended. We have become our own gods – subservient only to our will and our selfish desires.
Our hypocrisy is poisonous to the fabric of our society. Many Americans denounce the power and presence of God in their daily lives, and yet, when bad things happen ask, “Where was God?”
Now, as we are plagued by economic tumult, sky-high unemployment, and war both at home and abroad, when given the opportunity to humble ourselves in prayer, our leaders in Washington have, once again, chosen the path of self-importance. Today, the White House refused to actively observe and participate in the National Day of Prayer, set aside each year on the first Thursday of May.
Despite the outcome of the elections that took place in November, and the inspiring energy that followed, some are still not satisfied. All too often, our democratically elected leaders arrive in Washington and forget that their purpose is to serve the people of this nation, rather than themselves and their political ambitions. While there are still some who regard pursuing a career in the public sector as pursuing a life of “public service”, too many have chosen that path with the view to serve only themselves, or a select few.
These are trying times for Americans, and few public figures will let us forget it. But, to suggest that one man, equally fallible as you and I, can take on the troubles of this country, of this world, entirely on his own, is a brazen exhibition of pride and arrogance. While so many wake each day and include in their prayers well wishes for our president and for our country, to refuse to participate in what could have been a powerful display of humility, at a time when the people of this nation are clamoring for it, leaves with me an aching sense of abandonment.
So tonight, as I bow my head and clasp my hands, I will ask God to protect my family and my friends; I will pray that He watches over me and draws me closer to Him with every step I take; I will ask Him to soften the hearts of those too stubborn and hurt to forgive, repent, or ask for help; I will beg for His mercy on this nation that I love; and for His gentle hand to tug on the hearts of our leaders so that they may find strength and humility in Him. Amen.
this is a wonderful post! I'm going to share with my readers if you do not mind! Wow! Absolutely perfect! Thank you soo much for posting!
ReplyDeleteFound you via Shannon!! You have a great blog!!
ReplyDeleteWow, this is an awesome post. Well done, everything was perfectly said, i so agree with you on this matter. Be Blessed!
ReplyDeleteIncredible, touching post! Mind blowing, you said it perfectly!!!
ReplyDeleteI found you via Shannon!! WOW.....I have no other words besides....AMEN!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! Very true and very well written.
ReplyDeleteWOW! I am in awe by your words. You write beautifully and with string conviction. I couldn't agree with you more. I pray alongside of you for this great nation and for our leaders.
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