Monday, December 19, 2011
Lying in Wait
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Counting My Blessings
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Instructions on How to be a Princess
A few months ago, I shamelessly revealed my not-so-minor obsession with the Royal Wedding. I'll admit, it even gave me great comfort, if not overwhelming joy, to realize I was not alone in my brief love affair with the British Monarchy.
As time passed though, my colleagues put away their plastic crowns and tossed out their sashes. I, however, hang mine proudly in my cubicle as a reminder that I'm a Princess Too. Since then, as I've endeavored to live out that truth every day, I've found myself engaged in fascinating conversations with a special co-worker about the importance of sharing that with other women. She challenged me to write down instructions for those Princesses-in-Training who desperately need a road map to realize their true Royalty. So here goes, take notes.
Instructions on How to be a Princess
1. Say it. The first step to believing it is saying it out loud. Look in the mirror and say to yourself, I am Royalty – I must act accordingly and deserve to be treated as such.
2. Get dressed. Don’t settle for frumpy and unflattering when you can “play the role” for the day by dressing up. Let your outfit reflect your personality and a cheerful heart. Be whatever character you want to be that day and put yourself together. When you look good, you feel good.
3. Chin up. Just like you learned in ballet class – walk with your shoulders down and back, your chin up and your stomach held in. You’ll look and feel more confident and be toning your abs and back muscles at the same time – win win!
4. Smile. They say just the simple act of smiling releases endorphins in your brain that course through your system and elevate your mood. Happiness and smiles are contagious too, so spread them to others.
5. Take joy in the life and happiness of others. We so often feel compelled to share our own stories, dramas and accomplishments; making the conscious decision to listen to the stories of others and take sincere interest and joy in them, will strengthen the bond between you and another person and give you the same satisfaction that comes from helping out with a charity or reading a book with a child.
6. Be kind and gracious. Please and thank you’s are more important than we often care to remember. The simple act of opening the door for someone who has their arms full or thanking the bus-boy who clears your plates at the end of a meal can make or break someone’s day. And make eye contact while you do it. Human connection is the key to a fruitful life while we’re on this earth and so many people just float through their existence feeling ignored, unwelcome, or unimportant. Your simple actions can make someone feel noticed and relevant and you’ll be feeding your heart at the same time.
7. Use your words to encourage others. There is nothing more gratifying than making someone else feel good about herself. Compliment your neighbour on her outfit; tell your co-worker she really knocked it out of the park on her presentation; when someone impresses you, let them know.
8. Count your blessings - literally. We have become a culture of complainers. We want what she has; we’re bored with this and want that now. Taking the time to make a numbered list of the blessings in your life will floor you and make it nearly impossible for you to justify complaining. Count everything from the breath you breathe, to the shoes on your feet, to the loved ones around you. Name the roof over your head, the food on your table and the sight to see a clear blue sky or sunset. And when you can’t possibly add another item to the list, give thanks with wild and reckless abandon.
9. Give. Give of your time, of your energy, of your money, of your love and of your talents – and do it selflessly. You have no idea the blessing you can be in the life of another, whether it be your spouse or a complete stranger, from giving any of these.
10. Regard yourself the way you want others to. We can’t expect the people in our lives, or in the world at large, to respect us and treat us like the Royalty we are, if we don’t even treat ourselves as such. Stop with the self-deprecating, disparaging remarks about how you look, how much you weigh, what you make, or where you live. These are called “heart attacks” and you are launching them upon yourself – each one takes a stab at your heart until the valves close completely, shutting you off from a life-sustaining supply of love. Just like eating a healthy diet and exercising will make your heart strong, so too will the exercise of recognizing the beauty that can resonate from within you, if only you would let it.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Marriage 101 - Lesson #3: A Case of the "What-About-Me's"?

From time to time, I am struck with an overwhelming sense of selfishness.
There, I said it.
I believe, or at least hope, that for the most part, I am regarded as a generous, self-sacrificing person. I love giving -- of myself, of my time, of my money. But sometimes, the wave I never see coming washes over me and swallows me whole, until I am swimming in an ocean of "Me".
When you get married, you are instructed, if not implored, to think first of your spouse -- always. I once heard that the beauty of marriage is no longer needing to worry about yourself because the other is doing that for you. And in truth, if you are committed to each other, to your relationship and to a loving God, it is really not that difficult...most of the time.
But right now, I need a moment of confession. I've come down with a severe case of the "what-about-me's". A curable condition, no doubt, but one that takes nothing short of a heart transplant to be completely restored.
Big things are happening in our world right now. As if getting married and moving to the 'burbs just nine months ago wasn't big enough, we're now making plans for our future.
Hubs is diligently studying for the GMAT -- an endeavor most definitely not for the faint of heart. He is planning to take his first test next week and will complete another round of studying before taking it again in October (all while still working his very full-time job) and submitting his applications to Business School. He has, quite frankly, been working his tail off since March and words cannot begin to express how impressed I am by my husband.
In the meantime, we're researching MBA programs and envisioning where we may want to spend the next two years. Like I said... big things.
However, amidst the plans we're starting to craft and the dreams we're striving to build, I'm not sure where I fit into the picture...
Of course, I'm the supportive wife -- encouraging when I can, listening when I need to and praying for wisdom in how best to steer my husband when he second-guesses himself. I'm trying to pick up the slack around the house, making sure we have lunch in the fridge, dinner on the table and dishes in the washer before bed. I've halted our summer social plans and made sure the ringer is turned off when he sits down for a practice exam.
But when asked by a dear friend what is going on in my life, my answer is, "well, Hubs is studying for the GMAT and we're working on B-School applications". Which is, needless to say, often met with a quizzical expression. It's just an honest answer. Frankly, there's just not much going on that is about me.
Now, before you jump down my throat and accuse me of being a terrible wife, let me say that I'm fully aware that Hubs and I are a team. What is happening in the life of one, is most definitely relevant, if not at the center, of the life of the other. And I am thrilled at his ambition and the goal that we are both working towards.
However, my confession remains the same, the "what-about-me's" are dragging me down.
Despite my tendency to always at least sound like I have the perfect answer to all of the issues brought up in this tiny cyber world, I have to admit, I'm at a bit of a loss here. I think I've taken big steps in diagnosing the problem and I think I'm more than prepared to say that my heart needs a bit of a recalibration (especially in the times I feel the the pressure to lash out about having to cook AND clean up, or wash AND fold the laundry, or any of the other things that used to be shared responsibilities and have now fallen to me). I'm just not sure where to start...
A few steps to consider...
#1 God's word is definitely a good place to begin. I want to give over my frustrations to the Lord and confess that I've succumbed to the sinful nature of putting myself at the center of the universe (yet again). I noticed the other day that the same friend who asked me what was going on in my life was wearing a bracelet with the words I AM SECOND printed on it. I was floored by the power of the message, especially considering what my heart was grappling with at the time.
It helped me re-jigger my "what-about-me" feelings and transform them into "what-about-God" feelings.
#2 Asking for wisdom and guidance to fulfill God's plan never fails. I can't shake the sense that this time in our life -- which, for me, has recently been characterized by boredom or loneliness while Hubs studies -- is an opportunity to pour myself into something. I just don't know what that "something" is and I want to make sure it is "something" heart healthy and in line with God's plans for me.
So where does that leave me?
I guess those two steps are the first in a total heart makeover, as I strive to rejoice in putting myself second, both to God and to my husband.
Check out I am Second and find out more about living for God and for others.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Coming to Terms with Your Dreams

I sat there - the woman who always has something to say, always has an answer - completely dumbfounded, speechless for perhaps the first time in my life. When I didn't immediately offer a response, he rephrased, "I mean, in 10 years, what do you see yourself doing?" Still, no answer came.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Marriage 101 - Lesson #2: Sharing (Part I)
Sharing. What a fascinating concept - especially in marriage.
First things first, I must make a confession -- I am not great at sharing.
{I hear the low chuckle of my friends and family who are reading this}.
I'm just not though; and frankly, I think it is a simple case of lacking experience. In my life, I never shared a bedroom with a sibling, a closet, not even so much as a bathroom. Even in the cramped living quarters of college life and the years thereafter, I managed to weasel my way into having private, personal space that was all my own -- and let me tell you, that is no easy task in a forced triple dorm room in New York City.
Again, if I'm being honest, I'll admit that these steps were taken deliberately and with a great deal of care. In fact, before starting my freshman year at Barnard, I moved in a full day earlier than the rest of my floor, to ensure that I'd have my pick of space.
Et voila! I arrived at my sorry excuse for a dorm room (it was truly an attic space with dormers and only one window the size of a small flat screen TV) and quickly realized that the layout allowed for two beds on one side of the room and a third on the other. The lone third bed also enjoyed prime proximity to the closet space. Decision made.
And so I set to work making my new bed and finding acceptable homes for my (many) belongings and clothes.
It continued in that way for the remaining three years and then on into my post-college NYC apartments. I always managed to find myself with plenty of private space to call my own.
Now, before I go any farther, I want to make it clear that while I'm challenged in the sharing department, I more than make up for it in giving (and receiving). I. AM. A. GIVER. -- I give gifts (a lot of gifts), I give time, energy, opinions, money -- you name it, I give it. That said, I give with the clear understanding that those who are on the receiving end now have ownership over whatever it is I gave. I give it and it is now yours.
In much the same way, when I receive anything, I do so under the assumption that it is then mine.
Give - receive. Easy peasy.
And once again I say.... and then I got married...
My oh my the things you share in a marriage! Frankly, the sharing of the spiritual, emotional, and mental components of our marriage is enjoyable and challenging. I welcome opportunities to share in Hubs' frustrations, joys, and accomplishments. Where I get tripped up though, is in the sharing of physical objects and of course, space.
Exhibit A -- The Closet
In my 25 years of life I have accumulated an impressive (and alarming) amount of stuff. That's all it is - stuff. Clothes, shoes, books, bags. makeup, hair products, electronics, accessories -- there is literally a ton of it. Fortunately, for the first time since I moved away from home, I live in a house that is more than capable of accommodating all of it.
We have more closets than I could have hoped for and entire rooms begging to be filled with objects. However, there are a few things I insist on keeping close by. (1) All of my bathroom products; (2) My clothes, shoes and bags. In the 6 months that we've lived in this home, I've done my best to draw an invisible line between my side of the closet and Hubs'. Sometimes though -- like last week -- my items encroach on and even breach that line. "Commandeering space" as Hubs says. I'm a regular old Closet Pirate {arrgghhh}.
It isn't that I don't understand his need for closet space, it is just that I have more items for which to find a home. When he's not using the space allotted to him, I subconsciously take it as an invitation to fill it with my own belongings. Bad mistake. See the line. Respect the line.
Exhibit B -- Our new iPad
The other day, we broke down, sold out, and joined the future - we marched into the Apple Store and 30 minutes later walked out with a brand new iPad.
For a girl who longs for the days of her LG flip phone, this was a big step. I'm still not 100% sure how I'm going to make use of this newfangled gadget that everyone seems so enamored with, but I'm pretty certain I'm going to die trying to figure that out.
The challenge here though, is that you'll note I said we walked out with A new iPad - as in one. A new toy and a new lesson to be learned.
It has been three days and we're off to a rocky start. I want to spend time losing shamelessly at "Words with Friends" while Hubs can't tear himself away from "Angry Birds". And, since our limited knowledge of its functionality doesn't extend too far past those two Apps, we're trying to sort out how best to split the time evenly, while still managing to make time for each other.
As I said, it has been three days and tonight I even went so far as to say "it looks like we're either going to need to get me my own, or we should just return this one now". Sharing.Fail.
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Marriage 101 - Lesson #1: Defiance vs. Disagreement

A Birthday Wish!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I'm a Princess Too

Symptoms are said to include:
- Purchasing $100 of Princess paraphernalia for an impromptu early morning office party,
- Drinking mimosas with co-workers in the conference room while awaiting the balcony kiss,
- And waking up at 4:30AM to ensure a front row seat in front of the TV on your treadmill.
- In the most extreme patients, specialists have also witnessed waking up your husband with shrieks of excitement for him to come watch as the bride emerged for the first time.
Treatment can take weeks, or as long as the next news cycle, to take effect.
If you're reading this and have also contracted this horrific condition, please know, you're not alone. If you are a loved one of a survivor, stay strong for them. And finally, if you're my husband, I'm sorry {but not that sorry} for ripping you out of bed like that. You're a sport!
In all seriousness though, it was such a thrill to watch the wedding of Catherine Middleton and Prince William. If you know me, it doesn't take much to realize that the combination of a wedding and real life royalty is right up my alley!
I was reading a recent devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries {if you're not signed up to receive their daily devotional, I strongly suggest you do!} about the many hats that we, as women, wear on a daily basis. The author astutely observed that oftentimes, as Jesus girls, we tend to wear our crown atop a very high and unstable stack of other hats. She concluded by urging us, each day, to wake up and don our crown, as the daughter of the King, as our very first hat upon which we can then build a stable, multi-faceted collection of hats.
That's when it hit me!
I was finally able to pinpoint the nagging feeling of, dare I say, jealousy, that I felt while watching the Royal Wedding proceedings. It was, undoubtedly, the feeling that no matter how often my husband assures me that I'm his Princess {thank you sweetie!}, I would never really be called a Princess...legally (unless I worked at one of these companies). But, as daughter of the Most High King, I am exactly that - a Princess! You can imagine my excitement at the realization.
Because I am saved by God's grace, I too can wear a crown of victory and share in His glory! What an utterly awe-inspiring, life changing truth. Can I get an Amen!
But, in the words of Peter Parker's grandfather, "with great power comes great responsibility". Just as Princess Catherine will now take on the responsibilities of being a newly minted member of the Royal Family, when we put on that crown as one of God's daughters, we're accepting the responsibilities and promising to live our lives as stewards of what it means to be part of His family. What an awesome (and weighty) call!
So although the paparazzi and onlookers the world over were not waiting, with bated breath, for my gown to be revealed (it was a head-turning gorgeous Vera Wang Luxe by the way), and although I only received one new name upon marrying hubs (as opposed to several, i.e. Her Royal Highness Princess William Arthur Philip Louis, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus) ours was, nevertheless, a Royal Wedding -- the joining in Holy Matrimony of two of the King of Kings' prized children, "heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ". And that, dear friends, is worth celebrating each and every day!
Monday, April 25, 2011
“…that they may have life, and have it to the full”

I suppose you could ask 100 people that question and receive the same number of unique responses.
For some it is to travel, whenever and to wherever they please.
For others it is freedom from responsibility – doing what they want, when they want to.
Still others believe it is the constant pursuit of “fun” in one’s life.
And yet for Christians it is something else entirely.
Each year, Easter brings with it a sense of renewal, a fresh start. It is my equivalent of Chinese New Year. Perhaps it is the feeling of spring in the air after a long, cold winter (especially this year). Perhaps it is the new Easter outfit I always save for that special day (I blame that one on my mother). Or perhaps it is the familiar message you hear in new and different ways each Sunday during the Lenten season as Christians, the world over, prepare their hearts for Easter.
But, the fresh start that Easter brings also carries with it a challenge -- a call to action to embrace the life offered by Christ’s dying and rising again. Throughout Holy Week, we are called to walk with Christ in the days and moments that lead up to His death. We celebrate as He triumphantly entered
For years, I would sit in Good Friday services and sob at the thought of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, being tortured and killed. I would sing out and pray as tears would roll down my cheeks. But this year, as I walked with Him on His journey to the cross, I felt my heart pulling me out of that sorrow to set my sights on Sunday morning. Because, on Easter we celebrate victory – His victory over our sin and the death that it brings.
Jesus says, in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” On Easter we celebrate new life and the opportunity to live it to the full, free from the chains of sin that threaten to drag us down.
As the Bible states in Romans 8:16, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”*
So this year, as we take our first steps into the fresh start offered by the Easter celebration, I urge you to embrace the full life offered by a relationship with Jesus Christ. We were created to walk closely with Him, to follow in His footsteps and share in His suffering, so that we may also share in His glory. Now that, is living life to the full!
*In response to the challenge made by my brother and sister-in-law’s church, Sojourn, in
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A Year in Review and a Look at the Future
It's about that time, when all of us become a bit more introspective and reflect on our experiences over the last year and how they have changed us, for better or for worse. We make promises to be better, thinner, or healthier and we draft a laundry list of "to-do's" for the year ahead. Once that ball drops, our slate is wiped clean and we are offered a fresh start.
For most people, the opportunity to start anew is a welcome one. And, if I'm being honest, in the past, I too have felt the magic that the holidays bring and the mystery of the start of a new year.
But, this year.... this year, without a doubt, brings with it some of the most complicated and contradictory feelings of my adult life.
I am thrilled to be a newlywed - thrilled! Hubs and I (note the name change) are settling into married life quite well and are having an absolute blast setting up our new home. It's the stuff of fairytales...truly.
But, in the moments when I am most sincerely honest with myself, there is a sneaking sense of, dare I say, disappointment that 2010 has come to a close.
The end of 2009 was marked by a proposal and a gorgeous diamond ring which catapulted us into a season of planning and excitement. On the Eve of 2010, Hubs and I stole a few moments alone and toasted to the coming year and the thrilling promises it held.
And those promises came true!
As The Big Day drew near, the mounting anticipation only grew, and finally, it was weeks away.
However, amidst the highest of highs, mid-October brought with it some of life's lowest lows. My grandfather, with whom I've been very close my entire life, suddenly grew incredibly ill and was admitted to the hospital. It was indeed frightening, but it was something we'd experienced before with his various ailments. In the past, we'd been terrified, but he'd always managed to pull through.
I had never envisioned my wedding day without all 4 of my grandparents present. In fact, I'd never experienced any of life's mile markers without them -- birthdays, graduations, dance performances, inductions into the National Honor Society... You name it - there they would be, first on line and saving seats at the very front of the venue.
Naturally, I assumed my wedding day would look much the same as all of these other momentous occasions (but with a much better outfit!) - but I couldn't have been more wrong.
On October 12th, my brother and his beautiful wife welcomed into this world their first child. She is gorgeous, an absolutely breathtaking sight. I became an Aunt for the first time and my parents are now Grandma and Grandpa.
Simultaneously, my grandfather was growing increasingly worse. We recognized the severity of the situation and spent countless hours at his side at the hospital. He even had the chance to video chat with his new great-granddaughter {I'll always be thankful for technology, even if only for that one moment}. But, two days later, on October 14th, with his family around him, my grandfather slipped into a peaceful sleep and never woke up.
In a moment, I went from a glowing bride-to-be to a little girl whose world had been shaken and shattered.
It was a challenge I had not been prepared for - but I am steadfast in my belief that on our wedding day, my grandfather was watching us from the best seat in the house, just as he always was.
So here I am. The holidays were very different this year and it is now 2011. I'm a workaholic by day and a blissfully happy newlywed by night. And do not get me wrong: Married. Life. Rocks. This year may not be about china patterns, centerpieces, and seating arrangements, but I am confident that the future holds promises I've never even considered...
Happy New Year - I wish you all the best in 2011!