Forgive this moment of self indulgence but I really just need a minute to vent. In a nutshell, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING has gone right this week.
Last weekend I came down with some freak stomach bug that left me in a bad way from Saturday afternoon on. I’ll spare you the gory details – it wasn’t pretty.
It takes your body some time to recover from that though, and, as a result, I’ve been exhausted and incapable of getting any truly restorative sleep during this hell week.
In thinking about the events of the past few days, I need to make one minor adjustment to the aforementioned; not everything went wrong. Monday night was fantastic! The ManBoy and I made an absolutely scrumptious meal of carne asada, corn, and roasted vegetables. I’m telling you, I impressed myself on this one. We watched West Wing and snuggled {I know, gross ;-)} - It was really great!
Tuesday though, he and I had plans for a long overdue date night. We’re the couple that has made it a commitment of ours to, every so often, set aside a night exclusively for us – date night! Restaurant Week is coming to an end in New York, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a romantic night out. We had reservations at Tribeca Grill and I’d spent the better part of the work day mentally rummaging through my closet for the perfect outfit.
Along comes 5:00pm. The ManBoy’s boss drops the bomb that “tonight is gonna be a late one”. Really bossman? Really? Reservations: Cancelled. (Ugh)
Meanwhile, I too got stuck on a project at work that kept me there past the time at which we should have been arriving arm in arm at the restaurant. Instead, I left the office at 8:00, trekked home to the city, ate a lonely dinner of leftovers and pork and veggie gyoza, watched a terrible movie on TV, and did an obscene amount of laundry.
Date. Night. Fail.
Hump Day! Come on, things have got to go up from here. Of course not. Work put me through the ringer and I’ll leave it at that. {Luckily, I was fortunate enough to enjoy the company of the ManBoy, his sister, and her friend (both of whom just completed the New York Bar Exam – congratulations girls!) over burritos and sufficiently strong frozen margaritas. Needless to say, bed time came far too late and I am, once again, exhausted.}
The hits just keep comin’! Understandably, I was running a little late this morning (what with all those margaritas last night) and I was racing the clock to get to my car before the 8:00am street cleaning rules went into effect. I charged out of my building and low and behold what do I find? Two traffic cops standing at my car…clearly. I start shouting “stop stop stop I’m here!” No dice. {Allegedly, once you start writing the electronic ticket, you can’t stop…hmmm can we look into that please?}
Well, furious with the scenario and watching one of the two officers walk away from the car to fiddle with the ticket machine, my Jersey born and bred attitude kicked in. It was no secret that I was pissed at what was taking place. I continued to insist on the ridiculous nature of the ticket and that I was here at 8:00am on the dot to move my car. Needless to say, it didn’t help {New York is facing a budget deficit and this is their way of settling balances}.I hope those two sleep well at night knowing that ripping off the driving population is at the center of their life’s work. Good for you, fake cop.
So, after my futile attempt at fighting the inevitable, I yanked the ticket out of the officer’s hand and sped off. Jerks!
Then the tears came. Poor ManBoy gets a teary 8:07am phone call with me on the other end ranting and raving about a situation completely and utterly beyond his control. What a good guy – Lord knows what makes him stick around {Hey Roommates – Make no mistake, that was not an invitation for you to share your thoughts on the matter}.
Not thirty seconds after driving off, I find myself in the traffic jam of all traffic jams getting onto the FDR. I didn’t reach the highway for another 25 minutes (it should take about 60 seconds total to get from my apartment to the FDR). It can really go without saying, but I was very late for work today. Joy.
Over the course of the day, pieces of news have continued to filter in that have made the day go from bad to worse. My friends, who were planning on coming up from DC to the shore this weekend, had to cancel because they were told they need to work. The plans to spend happy hour with my girlfriends and our significant others this evening have fallen through. And, we’ve received word that my grandfather has become very ill…
Essentially, I just can’t catch a break…help?
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