I hope your work week flew by and you are as excited for this weekend as I am.
Today, I want to share with you a tribute to four of my closest friends. These girls have seen me through it all; good times and bad, new beginnings and graduations, boyfriends and break ups they’ve been there, at my side.
We couldn’t be more different; in fact, some of them aren’t even really friends with each other. But, when I take the time to consider it, they are four of the most impressive women I know, and four of the bravest.
Last night I realized, these four girls are inspiring – they know exactly what they want, they’ve gone after it, and, they’ve succeeded. How many recent college graduates can actually say that going into their second year as “real people”, they are doing exactly what they wanted to do? Not many – and I know four of them.
One was accepted to graduate school at Oxford University (yes, the one in England). Another is rising rapidly through the ranks of an event planning firm that has her running events and working with power house pharmaceutical corporations all over the country. Still another was recently shipped to LA to run her PR firm’s satellite office – run, as in, she’s in charge. And finally, one is working as a legislative correspondent to a United States Congressman in Washington, DC. {I know, my friends are badasses, I’m well aware}.
I’ve never before felt such overwhelming happiness for someone else (let alone four someone elses). Their jobs have taken them all over the country and the world and about as far away from New York (and me) as you can get (sad face) and still I feel nothing but joy for their successes.
I am blessed to have these women in my life. I know that no matter how far they travel, no matter how high on the ladder they climb, they’ll always be there for me, and share in the same happiness over my successes.
So ladies, please know how proud I am to know you, to call you my best friends. Thank you for having the courage to follow your dreams and congratulations on all that you have already accomplished.
All My Love,
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