It is the end of an era, my friends. The reign of the Bartlet Administration, which, for some, came to a close in May 2006, for me, ended late last night.
The ManBoy and I, as you may know, only days after Christmas, embarked on a journey that turned into an emotional roller coaster. We set out to watch the complete series of The West Wing. That journey is now over.
Over the last 8 months, I have dared to embrace a cast of characters comprising a democratic presidential administration. (For those of you who know me, you know that was a challenge in itself). I have come to know, and dare I say, love these characters. They’ve infiltrated my thoughts and my dreams, distorted reality, and taught me a host of new things about government. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, and I’ve sat at the edge of my seat in suspense and anticipation.
Perhaps an over dramatization, but I can assure you that I have forged a relationship with the show and its cast members – an unbreakable bond I fear will be replaced by no other.
Last night, the ManBoy and I sat down to watch the final episodes of the series. Upon realizing that we were about to witness the series finale, I began to weep uncontrollably. In fact, “weep” is the understatement of the century. I’m talking sobbing, like car-ran-over-my-dog (who you should vote for here as the cutest puppy) tears streaming down my face. They continued through my second glass of wine into the final episode and lulled me to sleep thereafter.
{If you must know, yes, the ManBoy could not keep himself from laughing at me…hysterically, I might add…but all that changed as the credits began to roll and I saw a tear trickle down his cheek. I kid you not!}
I woke up this morning with an unshakable feeling that a void was now present in my life. A void that Lost, True Blood, Californication, Rescue Me, and even Grey’s cannot fill.
I have entertained the thought of writing a letter to the producers of the show begging that they bring it back – needless to say, it will appear I’ve missed the boat by, ohhhhh call it three years.
So, with a heavy heart and puffy eyes I move on to far less satisfying means of televised entertainment. But, know this, The West Wing will always hold an immovable incomparable place in my life…
This story makes me love you more -Marisa